Not often does her father witness the amazing actions that are new discoveries; usually Mom observes those. Today however, I noticed that while I was sitting on the end of the bed and she was in her "rocker bed", she had curiously lifted her head, raising her shoulders off and holding as though she was going to sit up. She remained frozen in this position, looking like a turtle stretching it's neck, for about 15 seconds and then eased her way back down as I reached to pick her up. After relating the event to Mom, it indeed was a first.
Then, to later add to her father's delight, while observing Dad make himself some lunch from her cozy "rocker bed", she extended her left arm far in front of her and maintained his gaze for about 10 seconds, with her palm extended as though she was asking to be picked up. Normally this behavior is demonstrated in a similar manner by extending an arm and then staring curiously at the fingers as they move. But this time it was a definite, "Hey, come pick me up please." And as is often the case with this little lady, she didn't fuss in begging fashion. She was quite polite.
big girl
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